Vi holder åbent hus mandag den 15. maj og torsdag den 18. maj (Kristi Himmelfartsdag)

Danish as second language

Experience danish culture and improve your danish

At Uldum Højskole, you get an amazing opportunity to become better at Danish. You will be taught Danish grammar, Danish pronunciation, written Danish, and Danish culture. Additionally, you have regular folk high school courses with all the other young Danes that are also attending the folk high school. You choose from 60 courses, create your own schedule, and decide whether you want to immerse yourself in e.g., art, sport, psychology, music, or several exciting academic subjects, or if you want to try a little bit of everything across all areas.

In short, you can shape your own folk high school stay at Uldum Højskole.

You’ll have the opportunity to challenge yourself and figure out what you want. You are guaranteed to make new Danish friends and create a network in Denmark.

Please note that all our teaching is in Danish. It is therefore important that you know a little bit of Danish before you start at Uldum Højskole.

“Going to Uldum Højskole is the best decision I have ever made. Being half Danish and going to Uldum exposed me to more Danish culture and lifestyle and, of course, the Danish language. After four months in Uldum, I have realised how much I love Denmark and how passionate I am about moving to Denmark one day. All because of my experiences at Uldum Højskole.”
Sannah K. Maclean, former student at Uldum Højskole
Uldum Højskole set fra oven

Choose between 60 courses

Even though you have chosen the Danish course, there are still plenty of opportunities to try other exciting courses. We do not have course programmes like other folk high schools. Here, you put together your schedule. You choose from 60 courses. A schedule at Uldum Højskole consists of seven courses that you choose yourself. You get a new schedule every other month.

You can choose between courses in the following areas:







‘The many courses are a great chance to do what you think is most cool or to challenge yourself with courses that you would have otherwise not dared to try.’

Camilla Bolander, former student at Uldum Højskole

“I was born and raised in Switzerland with a Danish-speaking mother and an Italian-speaking father and the folk high school was therefore a form of introduction to my future in Denmark. I have greatly improved my Danish abilities, established a network, and, not least of all, learned more about everything to do with Danish culture and traditions. The folk high school, for me, has definitely been the best way to begin my new existence in Denmark! ”
Sofie Untersee, former student at Uldum Højskole

Elever i gården ved indgangen til gymnastiksalen, pejsestuen og Langeborg.

Folk high school life

When the lessons are finished in the late afternoon, it is time for everything we call folk high school life. The swimming pool opens, people work in the workshops, some people go for a run, play volleyball in the sports hall, relax in the common rooms, play music in the music house, sweat in the gym, and drink tea in one of the walk-in kitchens.

After dinner, there are a lot of options: lectures, film nights, concerts, bowling trips, dancing, or a trip to the cinema.

The weekends are a chapter of their own. On Fridays, there are events in our cosy café. It can be an open mic night, casino night, karaoke, live band, theatre sport, or competitions in table football, pool, or dart.

On Saturdays and Sundays, the corridors take turns arranging activities. You can relax in the common room, or attend ball games, walks, films, and preparations for parties. The café is often the setting for parties;  often they are big, beautiful, theme parties with a lot of effort and imagination put into making them something very special.

“Uldum Højskole was an amazing opportunity to learn the Danish language and culture, both during the lessons and through joint activities with the Danes and the foreign language students my age. At Uldum, I have made really great friends that I expect to have for a long time. Folk high school life is really fun and it was a painless way to learn Danish.”
Hannah Jensen, former student at Uldum Højskole
Højskoleelev tager selfie med giraf. Besøg på opdrætssted for den sjældne Rothschild giraf
Vores højskoleelever sammen med kvinder fra Samburu-folket. Uldum Højskole tager på rejse til Kenya.
En del af turen til Kenya rummer en cykel- og vandretur i Hells Gate med vilde dyr omkring os (dog ikke løver :)

Combine a folk high school stay with a unique trip to Kenya in Africa

Experience the real africa

Travel with your folk high school friends to one of the most intriguing areas of Africa. Become wiser about the world and get really close to the culture, nature, and people of Kenya – experience the real Africa! Lots of exciting experiences await you: dancing with Masai, biking in Hell’s Gate between giraffes and baboons, visiting one of the world’s largest slums, going to the marketplace, going on safari, and meeting peers from the town by the foot of the more than 5000-metre-high Mount Kenya where we will be staying.


‘The Kenya we saw is practically untouched by tourism and the Western world. Often, we were almost a bigger attraction to the locals than they were to us.’

Anne, former student at Uldum Højskole


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